a powerful solution

Lower manufacturing and maintenance costs
No ballast tanks are required less complex construction. complex.
Eliminates the entire water ballast ballast system is eliminated: tanks, treatment, piping and fittings, pumps and fittings, pumps, water treatment plant (BWT) treatment plant (BWT), filters, etc

Optimized design for less resistance
Shape design reduces resistance at full load capacity. load capacity.
In no-load condition, the resistance is also reduced, as the absence of ballast results in a less draft.

Time savings
The absence of ballasting and de-ballasting ballasting and de-ballasting operations operational speed.

More sustainable
Less energy consumption means fewer emissions. But sailing without ballast also avoids spills that are harmful to the marine marine ecosystem and controlled by the international convention.
- LR - Carbon Intensity Indicator
- DNV - Carbon Intensity Indicator
- BUREAUVERITAS - Shipping decarbonization
- BUREAUVERITAS - Carbon indexes

Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas, a leading classification society, helps maritime stakeholders keep vessels safe, compliant and sustainable.
Our wide range of marine services have been developed through years of close partnership with the maritime world, designed to answer your needs and evolve as those needs change.